HPV: Helpful Corner

Below we will explore four common myths about HPV, and provide you with the appropriate facts.

Myth #1 Only women can get HPV.

Fact. Both women and men can contract HPV. Research shows that most sexually active men and women will contract HPV at some point in their lives.

Myth #2 All types of HPV cause cancer.

Fact. Not all strains of HPV cause cancer. There are low risk strains and high risk strains. The most common strains of HPV that cause cancer are type 16 and type 18 (CDC, 2017). Fortunately research indicates that most forms of HPV go away within two years and do not cause any problems.

Myth #3 There is a cure for HPV.

Fact. There is no cure for HPV. The only treatment options available exist for abnormal cell growth, precancerous lesions, and warts associated with HPV. No cure for the virus exits.

Myth #4 HPV vaccines are not safe.

Fact. Although there have been isolated cases of reverse side effects reported, research shows that the HPV vaccines available are safe and effective. The CDC recommends Gardasil 9, Gardasil, and Cervarix (CDC, 2017). Common side effects include: fever, headache, muscle or joint pain, and soreness in the arm that the shot was given.

Questions to Ask Your Physician

It is important to do your research about HPV and be ready to ask your physician any questions that you may have. Below is a list of possible questions to ask your physician. Some doctors may try to discourage you from asking certain questions, however, this is YOUR health, and you have every right to know the answers to any questions you may have.

·         How can I avoid getting HPV?

·         How soon should I be tested for HPV after becoming sexually active?

·         When should I get my children vaccinated?

·         What are the risks of vaccination?

·         What strain of HPV do I have?

·         Is it possible to have sex with other people without giving them HPV?

·         How can I lower my risk for HPV related cancers?

·         What treatment options are best for me?

·         How long will my treatment last and what are the side effects?

·         If I have a wart breakout, how long should I wait before seeking medical treatment?

Parental Advice

In order to stop the spread of HPV it is important for parents to know the facts. The CDC recommends vaccinating children between the ages of 11 and 12. Although your children may not be sexually active at this age, it is important to vaccinate them before they become sexually active (CDC, 2017). Early vaccination is the safest way to protect your children. It is also important to educate your children about the use of condoms and promote abstinence.  Talk to your child’s doctor about the best for prevention options for them. Remember, preventing HPV begins with you.


HPV vaccine information for young women. (2017, January 03). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from https://www.cdc.gov/std/hpv/stdfact-hpv-vaccine-young-women.htm
[Myth vs. fact]. (n. d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from https://smithsquaredrealtors.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/myth-and-facts-about-va.jpg

[3 things parents should know about preventing cancer]. (2016, December 13). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from https://www.cdc.gov/hpv/parents/vaccine.html


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